Bailiúchán de Grianghraif

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A photo of a tangled web of blue and green glowing fiber-optic cable. A photo of an old wooden hallway with a spiral staircase curving upwards visible through a door at the end.
A photo of an arch bridge across the river Liffey. A photo of a dark city street with bright lights in the distance. A photo looking down the center of a wooden spiral staircase. A photo of a sign suspended from the ceiling which reads 'Luna' with incandescent lightbulbs tracing the letters.
A photo of an old stone tower. A photo of train rails in a city at night. A photo of an old wooden stage with ornately carved railings on the stairs leading up to it. There are two stained glass windows set in a brick wall at the back of the stage. A photo taken down a hallway lined with old-fashioned storefronts and lit by incandescent string lights hanging from the ceiling; Two people are walking away from the camera.
A sculpture of ships and planes traveling in all directions from a central point. A photo from an angle of an old wooden wall which is painted yellow; a sign in the center reads 'Boston University Center for Paranormal Studies'. A photo from an angle of an old wooden wall painted yellow; in the foreground three windows are set into the wall, with trellis-like frames covering them. A photo from an angle of four stained glass panels, three in a row with a fourth across the top. All three panels are checkered in blue and pink. The top panel has a shield emblem in red, blue, and green. The bottom middle panel has a sign which reads 'Tone Loft'.